The Marilyn — It’s past my naptime


Don’t you just feel this in your bones sometimes? Like when you get that email with that nowhere request, or it’s time to slop together something quasi-edible for the fam again, or when it’s the weekend and you’ve got a list of Lumberg chores a mile long?

Print this off as a standard 8.5 X 11, trim to 8×10, and frame!


This is another design that started as a hand-sewn collector’s item. If you look at this print closely, you can see the stitching and the threaded painted nails. Exuding elegance, I had to name this one Marilyn — both for the movie star and for my friend, Jules’, mom. Jules’ mom, Marilyn, is the cutest, sassiest, sweetest 80-something you’d ever want to meet, but when she’s ready for her nap — she’s ready. And don’t you just feel this in your bones sometimes? Like when you get that email with that nowhere request, or it’s time to slop together something quasi-edible for the fam again, or when it’s the weekend and you’ve got a list of Lumberg chores a mile long? When my middle sister was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer (she’s a survivor!) she was the first recipient of The Marilyn. Somedays she just had to tell people to f*ck off, she was late for her nap.

Print this off as a standard 8.5 X 11, trim to 8×10, and frame!