Volume 1 ~ Issue 2 ~ Q1 2023

Our second issue is short and very sweet! Even though pulling this issue together during a house move was a stretch, we’re very proud of this edition! Read about taking back your personal freedom, why it’s SO OK to go gray, the reason swimsuit season doesn’t suit us anymore, hikers who don’t let their weight define their enjoyment of the outdoors, and a special section on how a 31 year old man channels his female ancestors while making homemade bread (a carb and giggle overload!). Please enjoy and send us an email with your feedback through the contact form. Happy summer Seen Too Sisters!

NOTE: Consider downloading for easier readability on mobile. When you click on the botton above, you will be sent to the magazine and you’ll see a download option. 

Volume 1 ~ Issue 1 ~ Q1 2023

Our introductory issue is all about society’s attitude toward middle-aged women, how medicine has turned a mostly-blind eye toward menopause, and how terrifying illuminated magnifying mirrors can be! We also have a quiz for you to determine if you are midlife/menopausal, an introduction to podcasts, and a few video clips to help pull you out of a sh*t day. We promise, if you are over the age of 40, you will find something to relate to and laugh at in this issue! 

NOTE: Consider downloading for easier readability on mobile. When you click on the botton above, you will be sent to the magazine and you’ll see a download option. 

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Our Facebook GROUP is a members-only , private group designed to build a community of women with a sense of humor, in various stages of menopause. 

READ Seen Too Magazine™

Between the covers of Seen Too Magazine™, we share the peaks and valleys of being menopausal, with a healthy dose of sarcasm and humor. 

Contact Seen Too Magazine

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NOTE: Feedback may be shared in “Letters to the Editor.” Please specify if you do not want your feedback shared. Please also allow 24-48 hours for a reply. Thank you!

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