
How it all began

My early 50s are NOTHING like I thought they would be. I thought at this point in my life, I would more or less have life, work, and relationships figured out. I was supposed to be writing, golfing, and sipping martinis by the pool every afternoon. (I’ll pause for you to snicker.)

is this a joke?

Instead, I find myself on the end of a nasty breakup, going through all the alien symptoms of menopause, and – at times – summarily dismissed by society. My life is like some f*cked-up cartoon, written by someone with a very dark sense of humor. 

My frustration peaked when I went to the ER with a “cardiac event.” The doctor told me that “I should bend my knees when standing for more than 20 minutes.” This pearl came on the tail end of him admitting he had virtually no training in menopause, which was glaringly obvious when he answered my request for a menopause blood test with a “there’s a test for that?”

time to build

I had felt this level of rank injustice before when I was in my 30s and all my friends and I were bending over backwards to be the “best” everything – wife, mom, employee, daughter, friend – we could be, only to be met with outlandish expectation and obligation from society and those around us. Back then, I started a magazine built on humor and community. 

All the ridiculousness in my life told me it was time to build another community. So, I’d like to personally welcome you to Seen Too Magazine™.

laughter, as it turns out, really is the best medicine

I was so incredulous – all I could do was laugh. I thought, “Really? I’ve given my best for the last 30 years to significant others, children, friends, and employers just to get a shoulder shrug from the medical community and a middle finger from society at midlife? What the actual f*ck is happening here?”


Our mission is to build a community of women at midlife, in various stages of menopause, who seek to remove the “cringe-factor” from the word “menopause” through humor and shared experiences, so our daughters can walk into this time in their lives with confidence, care, and the visibility from society that they deserve.

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Facebook PAGE

Please “like” and follow our Facebook page which will feature STM blogs, menopause topics and “fun facts,” humor, and updates on new STM issues.

Facebook GROUP

Our Facebook GROUP is a members-only , private group designed to build a community of women with a sense of humor, in various stages of menopause. 

READ Seen Too Magazine™

Between the covers of Seen Too Magazine™, we share the peaks and valleys of being menopausal, with a healthy dose of sarcasm and humor. 

The Seen Too Team

Seen Too Magazine is so grateful to these people for sharing their time, energy, insight, and humor with us!

Kat Hobza

Founder, Editor, Contibutor

Kat has been a professional writer for over 20 years. She resides in Western Montana and when she is not crafting copy for her marketing business or Seen Too Magazine, she’s either hanging with her hilarious adult kids or soaking up the sun somewhere — a riverbank, a golf course, or her deck.

Sharon Evans

Collaboration and Contributor

Sharon Evans is a retired engineer who is now in full “Mimi-mode” thanks to her four grown children and five grandchildren. She and her husband of 30+ years currently reside in Texas and escape to Alaska and Florida whenever possible. Sharon has a passion for helping women identify and execute their next best steps in life, regardless of where they are in their journeys, and enjoys writing about her observations along the way. She looks forward to discovering all the ways God will make this season on the other side of midlife her best and most joy-filled ever!

Bonny Moore

Collaboration and Contributor

Bonny was cruising through midlife, minding her own affairs, with a 20-year marriage and a nest full of teenagers when BAM — she was hit with a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis. Thanks to her medical team, modern medicine, an unwavering faith in God, and her family, Bonny knows she’ll be around for decades, sharing midlife hilarity with her sister (Kat). Bonny is a mother of five, and keeps busy by raising her teens, building collectible dollhouses, training a new Burmese Mountain pup, supporting others who are fighting cancer, and resting whenever the moon and stars are in perfect alignment. 

Deedee Grubbs 

Collaboration and Contributo

Deedee has an extensive background in writing and currently works for a non-profit advocacy organization in Helena, Montana. She spends her weekends gardening, visiting with either her husband of nearly 40 years, one of her adult kids, or her sweet Collie, London. She also spends a significant amount of time drooling over her first grandbaby, Gavin. Aside from writing, and the occasional trash-TV marathon, her favorite past-times include reading and staring at the lake she lives on with either a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.

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NOTE: Feedback may be shared in “Letters to the Editor.” Please specify if you do not want your feedback shared. Please also allow 24-48 hours for a reply. Thank you!

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