The Bonny Sue — Ask the maid


See, the thing is, there is no maid. Steeped in sarcasm, this emerald-cloaked middle finger encourages your family to take their tireless inquires to the maid. Confusion ensues, enabling you to make a hasty retreat.

Print this off as a standard 8.5 X 11, trim to 8×10, and frame!


The Bonny Sue is lovingly dedicated to my middle sister, my twin born two years later. Speaking of twins, my sister has three teens, two of which are twins! In addition, she is a mother to two adult sons, a grandma four times over, is going through cancer treatments every three weeks, is building a dollhouse empire, and she just got a Bernese mountain dog pup. To say her house is busy and that she is exhausted is putting it mildly. Whenever I talk to her on the phone, it is a given that she is going to have a side conversation that goes something like, “No, you can’t go on a four-hour road trip by yourself,” or “GET DOWN LOUIE” (the dog’s name) or “I just bought a five-pound box of Cheez-Its yesterday, how are they gone already?” Her bravery, humor, faith, and tenacity make her my hero. When I’m at Bonny’s house, I’m reminded of a sign from one of my work offices years ago, that said, “Press the button. If the maid doesn’t come, do it yourself.” Of course, it was a wooden plaque, so the button was painted on. Even though her family is quite helpful, I thought my sister could use this sign in her house, if only to confuse her family members long enough for her to escape down the hall for a nap.