The Austin and Javi — Petty Bitches


If you or someone you love bleeds pettiness, print this off, stick it in a frame, and proudly announce to the world that while you’d love to help everyone with THEIR problems, you’re kinda busy being petty.

Print this off as a standard 8.5 X 11, trim to 8×10, and frame!



This piece is named after my son (Austin) and son-in-law (Javi) because while Javi is fluent in six languages, my son is fluent in just three: English, Spanish, and Petty Bitch-assed-ness. If you love David and Patrick from Schitt’s Creek you would LOVE these two! If you or someone you love bleeds pettiness, print this off, stick it in a frame, and proudly announce to the world that while you’d love to help everyone with THEIR problems, you’re kinda busy being petty.

Print this off as a standard 8.5 X 11, trim to 8×10, and frame!